суббота, 28 апреля 2012 г.

Qt fonts in Ubuntu 12.04

After updating from 10.04 to 12.04 and adapting a bit to Unity (Adaptation included creation of setxkbmap startup script) I found annoying problem: fonts in Skype looked ugly...

I've tried using qtconfig to set fonts, but it was useless. Settings were not used. However they worked if application was run with sudo.

I found that reason was the following: applications run with sudo couldn't communicate with DBUS and so used font settings in ~/.config/Trolltech.conf. Whe run normally they communicated with gconfd-2 and tryed to use default system font (Ubuntu11). But Qt doesn't know anything about this font (don't know why). So I just changed default system fonts to DejaVu font family and now Qt applications (including Skype) looks better.

пятница, 13 апреля 2012 г.

OmniTI announced OmniOS

I've just read about OmniOS. Cool, it seems in the nearest future we'll have as much Illumos-based distros as Linux-based ones :)
I really hope that OmniTI guys will collaborate with illumos and illumos-userland teams in productive way. By the way, I really like OmniTI group - they develop and support my favorite DBMS and one of my favorite server operating systems :) The only thing which is frightening me is possible fragmentation. IMHO, without big developers community it is vital to be as much united as possible and try to be friendly to beginner users and developers.

четверг, 5 апреля 2012 г.

How large root do you need?

If you have separate /var, /usr and /home partitions, what should be the size of / in Ubuntu 10.04 Desktop ?
I've always thought that 3 GB is more than enough. I was wrong, today my laptop said me that it has only 138 MB free in / partition.
I was rather shocked. The first victim for me seemed /tmp. Yes, it is not cleared on boot in Ubuntu, and this is unusual (I usually enable /tmp cleanup on my FreeBSD desktop systems or use mfs for it and previously on my OpenSolaris desktop it was by default in RAM/swap and didn't bother me). But that didn't help. Maybe I just didn't wait enough for fs counters update.
But that forced me to continue investigation: what can use 3 GB in root fs ?
The short answer is /boot. I had about 20 versions of kernel installed: from manually compiled 2.6.31 kernel (I suddenly realized that I must have recompiled it to get SunSPOT support several years ago and it was still booted by default) to one. Kernel plus initrd image occupies just some more than 20 MB. But if you have about 20 versions of them, it becomes significant for root fs...
Of course, I don't want my old kernel version to disappear after system update. But I would appreciate if package manager said something like this: "Hey, guy, you have 10 versions of kernel installed, are you sure that you need them?" :)

P.S. Just found out - /tmp is cleared up by default if it is on separate FS (look at /etc/init/mounted-tmp.conf). I understand that having /tmp in root is a bad habit, but nonetheless I don't think that it is so uncommon setup to ignore this possibility in startup scripts.

вторник, 3 апреля 2012 г.

PostgreSQL mostly online REINDEX

What do you do, when you want to do REINDEX online? Build new index concurrently, drop old one and rename new. Only you can't do it for indexes supporting primary keys and other constraints without dropping constraint. So, in any case, you have to REINDEX them. And let everyone to be waiting...
And if you have several hundred indexes, it is not very convenient to do it manually. Also note that CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY can't be EXECUTE'd from plpgsql function. I wish we had concurrent reindex in PostgreSQL or at least autonomous transactions to deal with the latter problem... But, we must work with available functionality...
So, the decision for me was to write PL/pgSQL script which will generate necessary SQL commands and feed them to psql.
The script itself is the following:

ind record;
str text;
str_drop text;
str_rename text;
FOR ind IN (SELECT i.oid,i.relname FROM
pg_class r,pg_class i , pg_index ir, pg_namespace ns
WHERE ir.indexrelid=i.oid AND ir.indrelid=r.oid AND ns.oid=r.relnamespace
AND ns.nspname='public' AND NOT ir.indisprimary \
AND i.oid NOT IN
(SELECT conindid FROM pg_constraint)) LOOP
'INDEX '||ind.relname|| ' ON ',
'INDEX CONCURRENTLY '||ind.relname|| '_X999 ON ');
str_drop:='DROP INDEX ' || ind.relname;
str_rename:='ALTER INDEX ' || ind.relname||'_X999 RENAME TO ' ||ind.relname ;
RAISE NOTICE '%', str;
RAISE NOTICE '%', str_drop;
RAISE NOTICE '%', str_rename;
FOR ind IN (SELECT i.oid,i.relname FROM
pg_class r,pg_class i, pg_index ir, pg_namespace ns
WHERE ir.indexrelid=i.oid AND ir.indrelid=r.oid AND ns.oid=r.relnamespace
AND ns.nspname='public' AND (ir.indisprimary
OR i.oid IN (SELECT conindid FROM pg_constraint)) LOOP
str:='REINDEX INDEX ' || ind.relname;
raise notice '%', str;
end loop;

Now with something like this:

$ psql -d DBNAME -f generate_reindex.plpgsql" 2>&1| awk -F 'NOTICE:' '{ if (NF==2) {print $2 ";" } ; }' | psql -d DBNAME

we can mostly concurrently rebuild all indexes in database DBNAME. And last thing to remember is to add
to your ~/.psqlrc file just to be safe...