четверг, 5 мая 2011 г.

Two useful illumos-related links

I've just found two interesting resources:

  • planet.illumos.org site - it's always interesting to know what is happening in opensource Solaris. I'm still looking at this project. We'll hardly make something like OpenIndiana our main platform, but for me it's a preferrable alternative to Linux where FreeBSD is not the best sollution (e.g. I'd prefer to use something Solaris-based for hardly loaded file server because of some stability issues with ZFS in FreeBSD and we still should decide what to do with our existing SXCE-based terminal servers). And planet.opensolaris.org became very quiet now..

  • src.illumos.org - sometimes you just have to look at some subsystem to understand what has gone wrong. Web access to code is useful thing to have for such cases.

And I would like to play with stable OpenIndiana release. In particular it's interesting to see how do it deal with multipath on our EMC Clarion storage.

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