четверг, 30 августа 2018 г.

Quest: creating one hundred zones

Well, I need to create about one hundred zones once again. You could probably use ansible for this, but an old-fashioned man will do everything in shell. So: we have one "golden image" and have to create 100 zones like it. We could clone it, but with clones you receive wonderful issue - beadm activate fails in zone. So we create zones and do send/receive manually. This looks like this:
set -e

for i in $(seq 1 100); do 

    #Creating interface for the zone
    dladm create-vnic -l e1000g1 hnet$i

    #Creating initial config   

    cat > $TEMPFILE <<EOF
create -b
set zonepath=/zones/h$i
set autoboot=true
set ip-type=exclusive
add net
set physical=hnet$i
add capped-memory
set physical=2G
add rctl
set name=zone.max-swap
add value (priv=privileged,limit=2147483648,action=deny)
add rctl
set name=zone.max-locked-memory
add value (priv=privileged,limit=536870912,action=deny)

    zonecfg -z h$i -f $TEMPFILE
    zfs send -R data/zones/h0@initial | zfs recv -F data/zones/h$i
    # Zone tools should know that zone is in installed state, not configured
    # Also during installation zoneadm assigns uuid to zone (last field). We do this manually.
    gsed -i  -e "/^h${i}:/ s/\$/${uuid}/" -e "/^h${i}:/ s/configured/installed/" /etc/zones/index
    zoneadm -z h$i mount

    # We known that golden image ip address  ends in 254 and change it
    sed -i -e "s:hnet0:hnet$i:g" -e "s:\.254:.$addr:g" /zones/h$i/root/etc/ipadm/ipadm.conf
    zoneadm -z h$i unmount
    zfs destroy data/zones/h$i@initial
    rm $TEMPFILE
    zoneadm -z h$i boot